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Golden hour, every hour

Golden hour, every hour

The summer holidays. A time of year that your kids will absolutely adore, but for the parents, it can be a bit of a different story. With all the extra time that kids get off school, you can almost guarantee there will be many days in which you hear 'I'm bored' countless times.

Trying to come up with ideas to keep your kids entertained for a couple of months can seem impossible. If you are ready to kick your kids summer boredom to the side, then read this blog post for tons of ideas to keep them entertained.

1. Get in the kitchen and bake. Baking is a great way to get the whole family involved in an activity, bond together and also have a few hours of fun. There is a role for each person to do regardless of their age and will develop skills for your kids to use later in life.

2. Arts and crafts are a great way to get your kids minds active and engaged whilst still partaking in a stimulating but fun activity that will keep them entertained for hours.

3. Get lots of toys together in a TiiPii for your kids to lounge in, play and enjoy. TiiPii Beds will keep kids and adults of all ages occupied and entertained for hours. Whether they are going to lie down and relax or play with toys, the TiiPii bed was made and designed for just about anyone.

4. Take your kids to the park. A great way to burn some energy if your kids are super hyper and also get exercise in, taking your kids on a walk in the park is a great way to get out, occupy themselves, give them a chance to run and also enjoy the summer sunshine. A great thing to do is also pack a picnic so you have snacks available incase anyone gets hungry.

5. Get your kids to help with the chores. Chores are a great way to build character and responsibility as well as help you get some jobs finished early.

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